
Search Engine Friendly

While adding a product, on product details page you can show the way to reach your product in search results:


Write Meta Title, keyword and description within set character limits


URL automatically gets created when you add any product.
  1. While adding product, click "Show Details"
  2. Enter a title in Meta Title field in text format. You can write a title having maximum 70 characters. In search results this title will be displayed as a link
  3. Enter keywords in Meta Keyword field. You can write keywords having maximum 160 characters. Keywords are the words that viewers use to search anything on the web
  4. Enter a description in Meta Description field. You can write description having maximum 160 characters. Description must include the name of your business and keywords used to search the product or services
  5. Enter a URL in SEO URL field without any space. URL is the page where you want your customers to land for the products or services they are searching for.
  6. Click "Save"

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